We have been informed by EA that their operational hours from 1st November 2024 are changing to.
7.45 am until 6.30pm.
We have requested that they open Saturdays @ 7am which they have said they will acomodate.
They have advised they will open earlier again during the summer months.
We have advised you previously but EA have just notified us that despite a digi lock being installed on the external door adjacent our changing rooms the door is continuing to be left open and not securely shut every-time it’s used.
Teenagers are continuing to enter the building via these doors and vandalising the sensory room 🤬. The feedback from the security guard on Saturday was that every time he did a building walk, the fire door was left open and he had to close it. This happened on numerous occasions.
There is also potential safe-guarding issue with the doors being left open.
Because of the facility being a children’s play centre by leaving the fire door open its giving public access to the downstairs area of tag active and soft-play (as well as the sensory room) without us being aware.
Worst case scenario, a child could be taken from downstairs whilst their parents are in the seating area upstairs.
PLEASE……..can we be vigilant and check the door is closed every time you visit the changing rooms and if you use these doors you ensure they are shut properly.
If you have lost / misplaced the code please advise & I’ll re issue to you.
A timely reminder as last year.
1/9/22, 18/6/23
Going forward, If you intend playing late and suspect you may not be back in time to access the Pavilion / your locker ie beyond the operational hours, please ensure you contact EA (tel No 01277 598886) giving them as much notice as possible (ideally a minimum of a few days) & request they stay open. Please ensure you take the name of the person you spoke to.