The committee want to reiterate earlier blogs about matches being played in the roll up ie please notify the club of the players & your preferred times, so that times can be allocated accordingly and other members aren’t left playing as a 1 ball.
Ps: People are still leaving it till last to book onto IG 🙄 please help us to help you by booking on in ample time. we have had our first casulties of people wanting a game upto 48hrs before a roll up and there being no times to accommodate them 😪
We continue to be mystified 🤔. We have the luxury of booking on 14 days in advance but.... people still seem to prefer to book on either the night before or maybe 48 hrs in advance 🤪 can someone explain to us why please?
I suppose until people are told sorry there are no spaces they wont learn 🤷♂️
This is unfortunately yet another necessary reminder 🙄 for some of you, ie If your in a match and want others to play in your group or you want to play at a different time from that allocated to you for WHATEVER…… reason!!! PLEASE just simply let the club know (01277 218850) don’t try and fudge it yourself. PLEASE HAVE CONSIDERATION / MANNERS FOR OTHER CLUB MEMBERS ITS NOT ALL ABOUT YOU despite what you may think.
Going forward unless you request from the club particular times, the allocated times will take priority and if that means a match for example can't happen it will fall back to the competition rules about making contact and offering dates etc. We can’t have members turning up for a game only to find they are left high and dry without either a time or equally no playing partners as was the case AGAIN today. This note really shouldn’t be necessary but clearly is.
For the people who were affected a quick note to let you know the system is back up and running.
It seems the system is currently broken, I tried to book on yesterday but it wouldn’t allow me to, the same it seems applies to others.
It was reported to BBC yesterday so hopefully it will be back up and running again soon. The pro shop is aware of the situation.
Its obvious some members still aren't booking on IG, instead they turn up and rely on the pro shop allocating them a slot on the day. This is fine and appreciated that the pro-shop help out where they can however, it gives them extra work and what happens if there arent spaces !! We give back unused times 48 hrs in advance of the roll ups.
There are no excuses, If you cant book on for whatever reason please e-mail us at and we will include you in a whatsappgroup specially set up for this situation where we will book you on in advance until your specific problems can be resolved. If you don't use whatsapp you can phone the club 01277 218850 and leave a message and again we will book you in. Please don't leave either of these options to last remember we can book 2 weeks in advance.
In conclusion please have consideration to others.
To reiterate previous notices / reminders / discussions etc etc. Tee times on Saturdays are generally allocated on the basis of historic groups, however this isn’t written in stone.
If your in a match and want others to play in your group or you want to play at a different time for WHATEVER reason PLEASE just simply let the club know (01277 218850) don’t try and fudge it yourself for whatever reason. Please have consideration to other club members.
It isn’t a problem if the club gets the same request from a number of players, it’s better the club is asked twice or 3 times from different members rather than it being left to one person to ask but who then forgets for whatever reason 🙄
Invariably we will, other than exceptional circumstances 🤔 accommodate any requests but needless to say the more notice given the better please.
Ps. People are still leaving it late to book on, don’t forget as members we have the benefit of being able to book on 14 days in advance. Why not use this time and assure yourself a tee time and avoid any potential disappointment (you can always withdraw if circumstances dictate) Remember we need to give back unused times at least 48hrs before the roll ups
It's appreciated we are probably wasting print writing on this subject but:-
A reminder ALL members have to check in for their tee-time at the pro-shop please?
2. NO non members are allowed to play amongst club times, if you want to bring a guest we will probably be able to accommodate this if we are asked by putting you out very early or make you the last group.
3. Your not supposed to play unless you've pre booked onto IG.
4. You can book upto 2 weeks in advance as a privalage of being a member. No one to date has explained why people like to leave it to the last 48hrs🤪. Please don't blame the club if there aren't enough times available 7 days prior to your game or slots available when you want them.
The Competition Committee via the main committee have requested to remind members of entry to competition rues namely that:-
"Book on to the IG booking system online within the “Roll Up” times allocated to the club by close of business 3 days prior to the competition[1]
[1]Prior specific permission needed from CC to play outside Roll up times.
If you haven't booked onto IG by COB Wednesday you will have deemed not to have entered the comp and your name removed from the same.
Twelve people still haven't booked on to play in Saturdays comp can you please do so asap it is a condition to play in the comp.
It's not gone un-noticed that some people are playing golf on HGC allocated times without booking on. This is obviously against the rules of the club and the agreement we have with BBC. Can we please... ask you to stop this with immediate effect. If you have a problem please contact us.
People are still running the risk of not getting a game when they want one on our allocated tee times because, they are not booking on. It's unclear why this can someone please explain to us.
We have a big advantage that we can book additional times 14 days in advance whereas the public can only book 7 days
We have to cancel un-used tee times which we do 48hrs before the day
If you can believe it people book on 24 hrs in advance and some even a few hours 😂 before what they perceive is there allocated tee time
Please help us to help you and book on as early as possible upto 14 days in advance or at least before the public can start booking
01277 218850
A reminder that we will be giving back unused times 2 days in advance of the allocated days ie those not booked on a Saturday will be given back on Thursday morning first thing.
If anyone has a problem please phone the Club and leave a message 01277 218850
As you know, your tee times on Saturdays are generally allocated on historic groups which you've played in however, it's appreciated at this time of year there are a number of knockout comps to be played so don't hesitate to drop the club a line and let us know if you need / want specific groupings / times. We will TRY to accommodate your requests.
People still booking on less circa 24hrs before tee time, keep throwing them dice boys 😂
It's noticeable some people either aren't booking onto IG golf roll up OR, if they are only doing it a day or two prior to when they are wanting to play. So far I don't think anyone has been caught out without managing to get a game when they want. This is a result of more luck than judgement. If you are one of these last members keep throwing the dice but please don't complain if you don't get a game when you want one as the matter is in your hands. If you have any issues please contact the Club 01277 218850
For the purpose of clarity, people need to book on when there is a club comp.
On Saturdays the Club is booking people (who have booked onto IG) on to times where its believed they want to play as far as possible. However, if people want to change from an early time to a middle / late time or visa versa on a regular basis or an occasional one please advise & we will try to accommodate you.
It's noticeable some people are booking on 24hr / 48hrs in advance of the day they want to play. Please note this is a risky strategy, obviously it can't be helped sometimes but you run the risk of not getting a tee time if spare times have been cancelled (it will become much harder in spring / summer).
A much better strategy is book on 14 days in advance if practical/possible (its an advantage we have of being a member of HGC). Then cancel if necessary 3 days prior to the day you're booked on.
If you have any Q / concerns please contact us.
Upcoming bookings
Tuesdays Times are indicative the slots are allocated on a first come first serve basis with groups sorted by yourselves generally on a 3 ball basis. Unused tee times are cancelled 48 Hrs prior to tee times booked
(Unused tee times are cancelled 48 Hrs prior to tee times booked)
Times are indicative the Snrs List takes precedence), Unused tee times are cancelled 48 Hrs prior to tee times booked
Tee times are indicative and will be subject to change up-to 24hrs before those indicated. Unused tee times will be arranged to either the front end / back end of the roll up and deleted 48 hours in advance. People playing in groups will obviously sort their own partners out on the day.
1. The system is live
2. Every Club member will receive an e mail with details how to log on
To gain the full benefit of the system, access the system from the Internet by going to
3. Once on your page
a) Go into my golf
b) Book a tee time
4. You will see we have “reserved times” log on if you want to play (you will be added to a list)
5. There is no facility for Guests to play on Club reserved times.
6. We basically know (or will learn) who wants an early time mid time or late time and, will allocate accordingly say 3 days before play), unfortunately the system doesn’t allow you to enter a specific time yourself on the “Reserved times” we have.
7. We will put 3 “Logged on names” on each reserved time
8. If you want to cancel your name, go back in the system, and “withdraw” your name at least 48hrs before the day please.
9. If the course is shut on a day any non-season ticket holders will obviously not be charged
10. Any declared “Grey days” ie restrictions enforced in the morning of the game can withdraw and not be charged[1]
11. We will release to the Public any times we are not using 48hrs prior to the game.
12. When you arrive to play you MUST
a) book on in the pro shop
b) Pay by debit / credit card in the pro shop
13. If you want to book on an “Unreserved time” you can do so 14 days prior to the date of playing (public is 7 days)
14. It’s understood these “unreserved times require non season ticket holders to pay when booking.
4 Key Messages
3. PAY BY CREDIT OR WITH DEBIT CARD BEFORE YOU PLAY. (if you haven’t got a season ticket)
Suggestion to avoid problems:
Sign up for games as early as possible (up to 2 week ahead) if we need more times we can book them. If you sign up within a week it’s highly likely the public would have taken all other available times. Remembering any unused times of the club will be returned to the Public 48 hrs in advance of the scheduled date.
If you need to play a match let us know the names & time you’ve agreed and we will try to accommodate.
Remember to withdraw if necessary 48hrs ideally in advance (min 24hrs) if not:
There are bound to be teething problems bear with it give it a chance to work.
[1] To be confirmed
Any Q please e mail its & we will try & answer
New IG Booking System goes Live
An update FYI its been confirmed the revised date for system going live has been amended to Tuesday 29/11/22. (no soft Launch) Its appreciated there are lots of Q, unfortunately at this time its believed no-one has all the answers.
18/11/22 As of Monday 21/11/22, The new booking system goes live. We currently have reserved times as follows.
Sat 8:03am - 9:13am
Tues 9:06am – 9.55am
Wed 10:02am – 10:23am
Thurs 9:06am – 9:41am
DO NOT BE CONFUSED “Reserved times” are not allocated if you want a time as a Club member you need to book it "online" this applies to any day / any booking.
Remember there are no refunds at present if you cancel a time (Credits will be carried fwd to your next booking)
Obviously our current “reserved times” will be closely monitored and no doubt in due course these will be amended to suit what we use. As a Club we will discuss at the next committee meeting ways to manage the process.
*new note
15/11/22 Its still not with its but, it sounds imminent the bits we understand so far are:-
The Clubs reserved times will be blocked out
To avoid losing an allocated Club time a booking on it needs to be made
As members we will all be pre-registered on the system
*The fobs for season ticket holders which we are familiar with will become redundant with the new system.
We will be able to book upto 14 days in advance (Public 7 days)
Its a pre-pay system ie if you are a pay & play you need to book on and pay in advance
The bookings can be amended at any time upto 24hrs of the tee time
Cancellations need to be made "At least" 24 hrs in advance of any tee time
The plan is no refunds will be given if you cancel or the day is considered to be a grey day, you will be in credit for a future game.
Each booking time will be managed / be the responsibility of the first booking name !!
The final details have yet to be finalised but this is some food for thought. Q&A's are ongoing.
Are the dates for the drop-in session correct? It appears they have passed. Where do you go to book is it still a phone call to the shop?